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The Voice inside

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DID you know?

Humans are imperfect. We make mistakes. The decisions we make are not always the best. Whenever we are presented with a choice and have a firm thought about doing something, sometimes we seem to hear a voice, suggesting a different thing, not from another person, but from inside us itself.

Almost everyone knows this feeling and have heard the phrase 'the voice inside'. There are a lot of controversies about this voice. Some say it's our subconscious and some believe it's just a contradictory thought.

But imagine, what if it's not a voice but a completely different entity? What if it's not you entirely? What if you don't even know it exists?

That's a lot of imagination. But to think that this phenomenon is completely possible is quite surprising and intriguing. This is a rare and complex psychological condition known as multi personality disorder or in recent years, called as Disassociative Identity Disorder (DID).

The name gives away it's basic characteristic which is having more than one identity and personality or disassociating from their surroundings, often from themselves.

An extremely traumatic experience from the past might trigger this state as the person may feel so insecure that a part of them tries to escape mentally from any situation that may seem as too violent in order to protect the conscious individual. The causes suspected are abuse during childhood, depression, anxiety and trauma.

This cannot be cured completely but treatment definitely helps. Since this a psychological condition, the methods to cope with it are psychotherapy or talk therapy, hypnotherapy and adjunctive therapy.

Herschel Walker, an American football player, was a victim of DID who wrote about it in his book 'Breaking Free'. It talks about his feelings of disconnect from childhood and how he developed a tough personality to battle it.

At the end of the day, we can learn a lot from people's lives. If we feel something similar, all we have to do is cross this hurdle in life with positiveness and strong attitude. And to prevent such a hair-raising condition, what come may, stay happy and keep negative feelings at bay.

Philomath team
